
DLP’s member companies as a substantial know how, with is worth looking at, when new or currant graphical concepts must be translated to eye catching and functional sign designs.

This knowledge we happily share with our clients. The background for all signing is words, pictures, logotypes and symbols. These parts are essential terms in graphic design. The main goal for signs is to communicate with the surrounding world and to make larger awareness, it is necessary with careful analyses of the planned signs, which among others must secure:

  • That the signing is speaking a correct graphical languish
  • That the signing is experienced positive and contributed to a good experience in the street environment
  • That there is a clear definition purpose with the signing, that it is clear what the sign shall express
  • That signing now also can be seen as, who far is the view point

It is here you can use the knowledge, which lieges by the members of DLP’s, so that signing in the end shows to be a good investment.

Local government

DLP’s members have trough the years had a constructive cooperation with the local governments.

Signing is today not alone between us as producers and our clients. It is also in deed become a public interest. Something most people have an opinion off.

Law and legislation, and especial local planning, is a part of the daily. The message from the local government is clear; there must be a connection between the signs and architecture, which the signs must be established on. DLP’s members it in many cases taking care of the approvement from owners and local governments
